When I was little I would color in my room for hours. I loved it. I loved everything about it. I would try to draw. The best I could do were stick figures. In my mind I thought an artist had to be good at drawing. If I couldn’t draw then I wasn’t an artist. I thought that for the longest time. Now I know that being artistic comes in all different shapes and sizes. I am an artist. I’m not a painter or a illustrator. I’m a designer. I love to come up with a concept, pull products and see it come to life all while creating a space that is functional and inviting. I want my daughters to grow up knowing they are artists. Maybe they love to draw, maybe they love to paint or maybe they just love the freedom that comes with art. I’m so happy to give them a happy space for finding their inner artist. Keep scrolling on how to create an art space for kids.
I set out to create a cozy space for them in my office that they could use for their creativity through art. Hoping that while I’m working they can be in my office with me doing their own thing. Wishful thinking probably but let’s give it a shot! I started with the most important thing, the art supplies. I am a huge fan of Ooly art supplies and knew I had to have their incredible line for McKenzie and Maven. They have the greatest products for little kids and big kids. I’m sharing all of the items below for you. Next up was the desk. I didn’t want to break the bank and knew I wanted to keep it simple. IKEA what would I do without you? It’s the perfect size for the space, both girls have a drawer and it’s inexpensive. Boom. Done. The chairs I found at Target online, fuzzy chair cushions are from World Market and that gorgeous rug is from Anthropologie . H
The pegboard and basket accessories are from Joann Fabrics. I was looking at the plastic IKEA pegboard but when I saw this wood one on sale I jumped on it. It was 60% off! The gold trash can and white wire paper holder are both from Home Goods. The lamp shade is an Anthropologie find and the lamp base is from Target. The cute tubs on the shelf are playdough from Ellie and Piper party boutique!
I knew I wanted some sort of storage next to the desk but couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do. With lots of Pinterest scrolling I found the Ivar book shelf from IKEA and all of the different hacks on this piece. This was very inexpensive and was the perfect size. To add a little character to it I had my handy hubby put the wood house top on it. It really finishes the piece and makes it a little more unique. Now the fun part to fill it up! The colored collapsible boxes at the top are from Shop Sweet LuLu. They are so good! The glass rope jars are a Hobby Lobby find. Sugarboo is where I scored the cute plant holder I filled with crayons and popsicle sticks. The two baskets at the bottom are from Target. I filled them with coloring books and paint smocks.
The finishing touch that pulls it all together is the amazing Opal Plus Olive sign. I’m in love with everything they make and knew this would be perfect. I’ve linked everything I used in the space and hope this gives you a little inspiration. As always feel free to email me any questions and please tag me on Instagram if you decide to create your own space. @stephaniehannablog I have the videos saved from building the space in my IG highlights under DIY Art Space. Happy Creating!