By now you have shopped until you dropped for every back to school supply under the sun. You have gotten all your kiddos prepared and taken care of. But what about you? Shouldn’t there be some sort of survival kit for the carline, the homework struggles, the early morning routine, and the back to school drama?
Good news, there is! My survival essentials include these amazing essential oil rollers! Perfectly planned for the back to school mama.
Straight Up: A blend for immunity and warding off the funk your little ones bring home from school. We don’t have time for germs!
Vibe: Don’t let anything kill yours…this is a blend for happy times and positive thoughts.
Uncensored: When you want to say what is on your mind but you probably just need to chill. This is your carpool traffic, note home from the teacher, too many activities and need a time out blend. My favorite!
Super Natural: This roller is your extra push for the day and gets your work flowing. You will have it done in no time!
Supa Fly: For “me” time. With so many thoughts in your head…this is a deep calming breath in a bottle. Who doesn’t need that?
Every mama needs this set! Contact Rachel Eade for more information on how to get these amazing must have rollers!
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